Group Scoop


A dog food scoop that takes the guess-work out of figuring out the last feeding time

The screen indicates the time that the dog was last fed to improve communication between household members

The screen indicates the time that the dog was last fed to improve communication between household members

The scoop’s sloping top allows for an easy way to efficiently fill the scoop in one motion

The scoop’s sloping top allows for an easy way to efficiently fill the scoop in one motion


In multi-person families, it is often difficult to keep track of when the family dog was last fed. This can lead to overfeeding or underfeeding. The Group Scoop streamlines the feeding process by automatically updating the time of the last feeding, allowing family members to know where it’s the next mealtime or not.

The scoop’s sloping top allows for an easy way to efficiently fill the scoop in one motion

The scoop’s sloping top allows for an easy way to efficiently fill the scoop in one motion



Contextual Inquiry
Participatory Design Workshop
Physical Prototype

My Role

Conducting User Research
Leading Ideation & Materialization Process
Printing Final Prototype

Project Context

Duration: 7 weeks
Members: Alvin Tran, Amara Colovos, Jade Wilson, Maddie Brigandi


Design Process